
martie 2016

Funding and know-how, the prerequisites for success in gas supply

By |martie 28th, 2016|

Gas supply is an area which can be inter-preted as being opaque, a „closed” sector. Although the number of distributors (which also povide supply sevices) in this field is much higher than in the electricity supply sector, very few suppliers have the capacity or liberty to work outside the areas leased by them. Among the [...]

ianuarie 2016

Finantare si know-how, premisele necesare pentru succesul in furnizarea de gaze

By |ianuarie 26th, 2016|

Furnizarea de gaze naturale este un domeniu care poate fi interpretat ca fiind opac, un sector ”inchis”. Desi numarul de distribuitori (care presteaza si servicii de furnizare) in acest domeniu este mult mai ridicat fata de sectorul furnizarii energiei electrice, foarte putini furnizori au capacitatea ori libertatea de a activa in afara zonelor concesionate de catre ei. Printre motivele care [...]